Authentic Taste of Vietnam
“Being at the kitchen for hours never make me feel tired, I have special love for the smoke and the heat from the loving kitchen”– Aunty Chung
Her great sense of ingredients improves Co Chung’s cooking methods through her daily meals at home and for others. She treasures this talent and decides to open the restaurant bringing family members together and pass on the secret recipes to next generations and generations…
Food Picks: Vietnamese fare at Co Chung
Family-run Vietnamese eatery Co Chung has expanded its outlet in Boat Quay

Eateries expand revenue streams, online presence
SINGAPORE – When the circuit breaker was imposed in April last year, banning dining-in at eateries, Co Chung Restaurant had been open for just two months.

Travel Through Southeast Asia By Dining At These 10 Restaurants
As Singapore undergoes the annual year-end monsoon season, a steaming bowl of Cô Chung’s Pho Beef Soup will definitely hit the spot during these colder days